Naphtali Akudung



Naphtali Akudung

#56 most read in

 Power & Utilities

Akudung Naphtali founded Climrenew LLC which provides awareness on climate change, focusing on providing consultancy services on renewable energy, plastic waste, and agriculture. He holds B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Jos and is a Watson Institute Alum. He is a Scholar at NUTM.

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Naphtali Akudung

Will China's Increased Energy Investments Boost Global FDI and Its Power?

Fossil fuels has remained the dominant energy source for most countries across the world since the industrial revolution. Sadly, burning of fossil fuels – coal, oil, and gas accounts for – around three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Should Nuclear Energy Be Adopted Despite Its Freak Accidents?
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Naphtali Akudung

Should Nuclear Energy Be Adopted Despite Its Freak Accidents?


Emission increase globally has sparked up innovations around other alternative forms of harnessing cleaner energy resources to drive sustainable activities that are socially, economically, and environmentally friendly. As part of the Paris Agreement in 2015, limiting global warming below 2 degrees is non-negotiable. It is thus necessary to prioritize cleaner energy resourcesthat can replace fossil fuels.

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Naphtali Akudung

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Energy · Nuclear

Should Nuclear Energy Be Adopted Despite Its Freak Accidents?

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