Mitchell Board



Mitchell Board

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Mitchell Board is the co-founder and CEO of Katalyst.Earth - a climate-tech startup leveraging blockchain technology to accelerate the transition to Net Zero and Beyond.

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Mitchell Board

Are Carbon Methodologies Scalable?

Before a Carbon Credit is generated a strong methodology must be in place. This methodology defines the minimum parameters required to successfully implement a carbon removal project and generate an associated number of carbon credits. These parameters must ensure that the reductions are real, measurable and additional to what would have occurred otherwise.

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Why do Carbon Prices vary so much?
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Mitchell Board

Why do Carbon Prices vary so much?

Environmental Sustainability

If you haven’t heard it before here’s a saying you will soon come across “A carbon credit, is not a carbon credit”. In fact, a carbon credit embodies many attributes that make them anything but equal. This variance in attributes results in carbon credits having a wide price discrepancy. In the following article, we are going to break down some of these attributes and explain why carbon prices vary so much.

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Mitchell Board

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Environmental Sustainability · Carbon Market

Why do Carbon Prices vary so much?

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