Mavra Bari



Mavra Bari

#6 most read in

 Human Rights

Mavra Bari is a journalist, writer, communications specialist and sociologist with a keen eye on the global politics surrounding climate change and the intersectionality of resource equity. She holds a Master from the University of Amsterdam in Sociology, focusing research on urban narratives and geography, urban marketing, tourism, sustainability and right to do the city. Mavra has worked with several international organizations and projects with UNIDO, US State Department, USAID, Heinrich Boell Stiftung, University of Amsterdam, Snow Leopard Foundation, and Butterfly Works, and has written extensively for Deutsche Welle.

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Mavra Bari

Labor Day: Finding value in our labor in a broken work culture is an act of resistance

Engineered scarcity perpetuates artificial progress: as a system, it is vastly inefficient at solving inequality

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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