Luisa Palacios



Luisa Palacios

#16 most read in

 Oil & Gas

Luisa Palacios is a Senior Research Scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University. Previously, she was Director at Barclay Capital and economist at Société Générale.

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Luisa Palacios

Venezuela Oil Sanctions: Not an Easy Fix

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has upended global energy markets and brought energy security issues back to the forefront of global attention. The unexpected visit of a US government delegation to Caracas for talks with Nicolas Maduro on March 5th may be considered an example of official recognition of this imperative. The visit led to speculation that sanctions on the Maduro regime could be lifted and that a rapid ramp up of Venezuelan oil production and export could result.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
The impact of ESG on national oil companies
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Luisa Palacios

The impact of ESG on national oil companies


The rise of ESG investing—investment focused on environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and corporate governance—in the 21st century has created significant pressures on oil companies. Some shareholders of international oil companies (IOCs) have pressed them to pay closer attention to ESG goals and diversify their business models away from hydrocarbons and into other sources of energy amid efforts to address greenhouse gas emissions.

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Luisa Palacios

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Energy · Upstream

The impact of ESG on national oil companies

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