Leon de Graaf



Leon de Graaf

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Leon de Graaf is a senior consultant at #SustainablePublicAffairs, a Brussels-based public affairs agency that lobbies for more ambitious EU climate and environment policy for sustainable frontrunners. Previously he was the main climate and environment expert at BusinessEurope, Europe's biggest lobby group.

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Leon de Graaf

Decarbonising hydrogen: How low can you go?

Green, clean, and a fossil fuel killing machine. The policy debates surrounding hydrogen have been subject to a plethora of unregulated labels related to the greenhouse gas reduction potential of the technology. Because of this, anyone could simply claim he or she was producing green or clean hydrogen, even if that hydrogen would only be 10% or 20% less CO2-intensive than the original fossil-based alternative.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
EU's carbon market: not yet fit-for-frontrunners
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Leon de Graaf

EU's carbon market: not yet fit-for-frontrunners

Environmental Sustainability

Following the Fit-for-55 package, here's Leon's initial analysis of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) revision proposal. Long story short: it becomes more difficult to pollute, but sustainable frontrunners are still disadvantaged compared to laggards.

Recent publications

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Leon de Graaf

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Environmental Sustainability · ESG

EU's carbon market: not yet fit-for-frontrunners

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