Joel Makower



Joel Makower

#62 most read in

 Green Tech

Joel Makower is chairman and co-founder of GreenBiz Group, a media and events company focusing at the intersection of business, technology and sustainability. For more than 30 years, through his writing, speaking and leadership, he has helped companies align environmental and social issues with business success.

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Joel Makower

Could insurers pull the plug on renewable energy?

The climate crisis stands to roil the insurance industry along with its customers, including renewables and other climate tech entrepreneurs and developers

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
The clarion call of ‘transition finance’ in a warming, wobbly world
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Joel Makower

The clarion call of ‘transition finance’ in a warming, wobbly world


The money is there, but a new form of capitalism is needed. Can it arrive in time?

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Joel Makower

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ESG · Climate Change

The clarion call of ‘transition finance’ in a warming, wobbly world

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