Jindra Monique Čekan



Jindra Monique Čekan

#470 most read in

 Climate Change

Jindra Monique Čekan/ová, Ph.D. is a Czech/USA political economist with 35 years of experience in international development. She has learned from villagers and ministers in 27 countries in Africa, Latin America, Central, and South Asia. 

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Jindra Monique Čekan

Promises made and promises unfulfilled: Focusing evaluations after COP26

Like many evaluators reading this, I am not a climate specialist but an international political economist, a Czech-American. Both my countries have polluted more than our fair share. Maybe like you, I feel responsible for those who polluted less but suffer more. Professionally, I focus on grassroots sustainability of ex post project evaluations, including those funded by the Adaptation Fund, and consult on environmental, social and governance ‘impact’. I worry that aid impacts sustained through ingenious local efforts will not hold up to climate shocks for which our aid was not designed, and funding is insufficient.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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