Jeppe Tranekær Nielsen



Jeppe Tranekær Nielsen

#92 most read in

 Climate Change

Jeppe Tranekær Nielsen is a Principal at Look Up Ventures. He invests in deep tech start-ups that improve planetary health and climate resilience.

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Jeppe Tranekær Nielsen

Future-proofing agriculture: the role of climate tech

Continuing business as usual will not ensure a resilient agricultural system

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
It’s time to invest in climate resilience
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Jeppe Tranekær Nielsen

It’s time to invest in climate resilience

Environmental Sustainability

Building climate resilience represents a powerful and hopeful shift in perspective for companies, investors, and society

Recent publications

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Jeppe Tranekær Nielsen

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Environmental Sustainability · Climate Change

It’s time to invest in climate resilience

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