Jennifer Wilkins



Jennifer Wilkins

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Jennifer Wilkins is the founder of, a post-growth business research, advocacy and advisory practice. She has a business professional background, an MBA (Warwick Business School) and a Master's in degrowth (Autonomous University of Barcelona).

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Jennifer Wilkins

Degrowth: The new corporate sustainability

New research underscores the vital opportunity for partnerships between corporate intrapreneurs and degrowth researchers in reshaping large, complex organisations for a sustainable economy

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Larry Elliott’s version of degrowth is something else
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Jennifer Wilkins

Larry Elliott’s version of degrowth is something else


Larry Elliott, Economics Editor at The Guardian, has written recently about degrowth, promising to show us how to kick our growth addiction as a way out of the climate crisis. Unfortunately, he misunderstands and misrepresents degrowth and paints a dim picture of its potential, centering the problem on poorer nations for their unwillingness to degrow. He has surely undone some of the painstaking work that is underway to properly explain the new concept of degrowth. His lazy article demands a thoughtful response.

Recent publications

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Jennifer Wilkins

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Degrowth · Environmental Sustainability

Larry Elliott’s version of degrowth is something else

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