Jennifer Robson



Jennifer Robson

#57 most read in

 Diversity & Inclusion

Jennifer Clair Robson is Content Director at Climate Action North and a freelance copywriter focusing on the climate crisis, sustainability, and net zero.

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Jennifer Robson

Demystifying net zero for small businesses

Taking action to become net zero will bring many benefits to your small business including improving resilience and competitiveness, while reducing costs and even encouraging investment and attracting new customers. However, small businesses often have less resources and limited access to capital and investment so the route to net zero can seem overwhelming. And, unsurprisingly, many businesses are confused about what net zero actually is and the actions they need to take to achieve it.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Demystifying the Just Transition
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Jennifer Robson

Demystifying the Just Transition

Environmental Sustainability

The shift toward net zero will bring economy-wide transformation on an unprecedented scale. The transition will impact many industries, jobs, and communities. A Just Transition concerns the fair treatment of workers and communities affected by these changes. It involves investment in new skills and infrastructure while protecting and creating high-quality jobs and employment for a green economy.

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Jennifer Robson

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Environmental Sustainability · Climate Change

Demystifying the Just Transition

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