Jaco van der Bank



Jaco van der Bank

#366 most read in

 Climate Change

Jaco van der Bank is the Senior Policy Advisor at Negative Emissions Platform, working to accelerate technological and regulatory innovation to fight climate change. He is a member of the Advisory Group to CCS+ Initiative and a member of the Credit-level integrity working group of the Task Force on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Market.

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Robert Höglund

The climate giant is getting serious about carbon removal

On 15 December, the EU announced its roadmap for carbon removal as part of the EU Commission’s Communication on Sustainable Carbon Cycles. The roadmap details the crucial role of sustainable carbon removal in EU climate policy in the decades to come. The union’s net-zero target requires a ton of CO2 to be removed for every ton emitted by 2050 and then to start removing more than it emits. 

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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