Iacopo Gronchi



Iacopo Gronchi

#162 most read in

 Public Governance

Iacopo is an Expert in Transformative Governance at Demos Helsinki – a non-profit, independent think tank working on societal transformations. He is pursuing a PhD in Innovation and Public Policy at UCL IIPP (Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose).

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Iacopo Gronchi

Rethinking missions as governance: Transforming government to transform society

Governments are under pressure to prove they have learnt from the past. Following the approval of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda; the threat of climate change illustrated by IPCC; the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis; and the energy and food crisis borne from the Russian aggression of Ukraine, governments sought new policy tools to transform society. It is amidst these developments that mission-oriented innovation policy (MOIP) has emerged.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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