Heather Clancy



Heather Clancy

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Heather Clancy is an award-winning journalist specialising in transformative technology and innovation. As editorial director for GreenBiz.com, Heather chronicles the role of technology in enabling corporate climate action and transitioning to a clean, inclusive and regenerative economy. Her articles have appeared in Entrepreneur, Fortune, The International Herald Tribune and The New York Times.

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Heather Clancy

When AI and ESG collide

Like politics or religion, artificial intelligence is a topic that elicits strong opinions. Many in the environmental and sustainability communities sing its praises as a technology for combating climate change, citing its superhuman ability to optimize the integration of renewables into electric grids, or to detect deforestation and other threats to biodiversity, or drive corporate resilience planning using extreme weather models. The list of potential applications is long.​

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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