Harini Nagendra



Harini Nagendra

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Harini Nagendra is a Professor of Sustainability at Azim Premji University in Bangalore, India, and a globally recognised ecologist. Her work integrates satellite remote sensing, biodiversity field studies, and institutional analysis to explore the socio-ecological sustainability of forests and cities in South Asia. She is a Lead Author for the 5th IPCC Report and has over 150 scientific publications.

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Harini Nagendra

Secular, sacred, and domestic: Living with street trees in Bangalore

Nature is often the first casualty in a constant drive towards development. Yet the street tree stubbornly survives across Indian cities

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
When cities were Nature’s haven: a tale from Bangalore
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Harini Nagendra

When cities were Nature’s haven: a tale from Bangalore

Environmental Sustainability

As my research shows, for centuries, the population of this region grew because of nature, not despite it

Recent publications

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Harini Nagendra

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Environmental Sustainability · Nature

When cities were Nature’s haven: a tale from Bangalore

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