Ginevra Forcellini



Ginevra Forcellini

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Ginevra Forcellini is a second-year International Economics and Finance student at Bocconi University. She is part of an international consulting program, where she does research on topics like counterfeit medicines and the Paris Agreement, and collaborated with business builder OneDay Group. She began her experience in finance by interning in Italian fin-tech Euclidea.

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Giacomo Nicoli

How Greenwashing practices can put at risk the effort of ESG related investments

As ESG-related investments strongly increase their importance, so do ESG evaluation metrics that can prevent greenwashing practices. This article provides an overview of the main ESG Evaluation metric provided by S&P Global Ratings, later describing why such evaluation method should be taken into consideration in Private Equity funds and their investment strategies. It will then evaluate whether ESG really makes a positive difference on society by diving deep into an excursus on greenwashing, so to better understand the phenomenon and to explain how a lack of measurement can affect investment performance. Both topics of ESG and greenwashing are becoming increasingly relevant nowadays as they are closely linked to wider country-level sustainability goals and investment returns targets for Private Equity firms.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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