Frederic Blanc-Brude



Frederic Blanc-Brude

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Frédéric Blanc-Brude is the CEO of Scientific Infra Pte, an ESMA-regulated index provider producing data used by investors in infrastructure equity and debt. He is also the Director of EDHECinfra, a research center for infrastructure finance. His research focuses on the asset pricing of illiquid assets and the modeling of cash flows in infrastructure projects. He holds a PhD in Finance from King's College London and has published papers in economics and finance journals, co-authored a book on the valuation of unlisted infrastructure equity and debt investments, and is a regular contributor to the press. He is also a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Alternative Investments and serves as a contributor to the G20 working group on long-term infrastructure investment.

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Frederic Blanc-Brude

The rise of renewables is not without risk for investors

It is essential we step up green investment even more if we are to sustain low-carbon economic growth. According to the International Energy Agency, more than $2 trillion in annual investment in clean electricity will be needed by 2030 to achieve carbon neutrality. However, there are a number of risks inherent in this type of investment.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
 Investments in green energy infrastructure: an (over)performance that will last?
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Frederic Blanc-Brude

Investments in green energy infrastructure: an (over)performance that will last?


The summer of 2022, which saw repeated heat waves, fires, and droughts in Europe and around the world, is confirmation that the effects of global warming are coming on stronger and faster than even the most pessimistic forecasts. To be able to hope to curb them, it is essential for us to change our current mode of energy production and consumption to a more responsible model.

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Frederic Blanc-Brude

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Renewables · Sustainable Investment

Investments in green energy infrastructure: an (over)performance that will last?

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