Frank J. Cole



Frank J. Cole

#757 most read in

 Environmental Sustainability

Frank J. Cole is an expert in sustainable shipping. He is the former the chief executive officer of Wallem Group, a maritime services company, and of Transas, maritime software company, now a subsidiary of Wärtsilä. He was also operations director for Pacific Basin Bulk Shipping, former president of Inmarsat Maritime and CEO of Globe Wireless.

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Frank J. Cole

Disruption of ESG and Data Sharing

Weather data has long been shared with multiple weather companies, whether it is a mariner staring out to sea or weather ships in the days of old. Now satellites and buoys gather data in huge amounts. Weather data and weather routing is by todays technological standards, old hat. There are multiple companies and sources of data available and the algorithms well established.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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