Fikayo Akeredolu



Fikayo Akeredolu

#530 most read in

 Climate Change

Fikayo Akeredolu is a Researcher pursuing a DPhil in Politics at the University of Oxford, focusing on the political economy of energy transition in Nigeria. Her research interests include climate change in the Global South and Sino-African trade, finance, and development. Fikayo holds a Master's in Contemporary Chinese Studies from Oxford and a Master's in Global Affairs from Tsinghua University. Prior to her graduate studies, she worked as a financial products and technology growth expert at Bloomberg, Stears, and Refinitiv (now The London Stock Exchange Group).

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Fikayo Akeredolu

Africa’s climate change balancing act: green energy vs economic development

Wealthier sub-Saharan African nations prioritize economic growth over climate action, with a focus on renewable energy and international support

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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