Erik Rakhou



Erik Rakhou

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Erik Rakhou is a leading expert in international energy markets, regulation, and strategy development, with 20+ years of experience in energy systems and policy development globally. He is an Associate Director at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) where he supports clients on their energy transition journey with a focus on hydrogen and decarbonizing gas markets. He co-authored the book “Touching Hydrogen Future”. He was formerly appointed as an alternate member of the ACER, EU energy regulator, and Board of Appeal from 2016-2021.

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Erik Rakhou

Deflating Hydrogen risk: How can financial risk carriers start evaluating complex hydrogen investments and insurance solutions?

Currently, hydrogen is quickly getting higher on the agenda of politicians, energy ministers, and executives across energy companies, banks and insurance risk carriers. All are facing similar questions, around how to best unlock the potential of investments into hydrogen and its infrastructure. That is being triggered since we start to consider hydrogen as an essential tool in the climate transition toolbox for limiting global warming, meeting net zero climate commitments and supporting the Paris climate agreement.

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