Farshid Pahlevani



Farshid Pahlevani

#398 most read in

 Climate Change

Dr Farshid Pahlevani is an internationally award-winning scientist and engineer who was selected as Australia’s most innovative engineer in 2020. His work focuses on the sustainability of materials and processes with an emphasis on environmental and community benefits.

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Farshid Pahlevani

Rethinking the traditional economy through green manufacturing

“Green manufacturing” is often popularly understood as the production of environmentally-friendly products, like solar panels, organic cotton of bamboo garments or additive-free packaged foods. These are important, but far greater environmental and economic impacts can be achieved by “greening” the industrial processes that deliver the materials, components and products that our mass, global markets demand; thereby potentially reducing the environmental footprint of everything around us.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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