Fabrice Bonnifet



Fabrice Bonnifet

#286 most read in

 Climate Change

Fabrice Bonnifet is the Sustainable Development Director of the Bouygues Group, President of the College of Sustainable Development Directors (C3D), Administrator of The Shift Project and co-author of the Contributive Company (Dunod).

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Fabrice Bonnifet

Climate emergency: diplomacy is dead, long live the law!

We did not expect anything for this 26th COP in Glasgow, and we were disappointed anyway! Let's summarize. The Heads of State of the world were supposed to re-commit themselves (as since the first COP 25 years ago) to a 45% decrease of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (Paris Agreement). Instead, if nothing changes between now and then, we will be entitled to an increase of 16%, or a projection of + 2.7°C at least by 2100. In short, we face a scheduled genocide for biodiversity, and that includes ourselves. This says a lot about the value of the words of politicians.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
The false beliefs of CSR
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Fabrice Bonnifet

The false beliefs of CSR

Environmental Sustainability

What if we stopped pretending to want to change things? The effects of global warming and the mass extinction of biodiversity are now manifesting themselves all over the planet with unprecedented intensity. While we know that climate disasters will increase in frequency and severity long after anthropogenic GHG emissions have ended, can we continue to believe the fables of a development model that denies planetary limits? Let us ask ourselves the question sincerely.

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Fabrice Bonnifet

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Environmental Sustainability · Climate Change

The false beliefs of CSR

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