Cyrus Farhangi



Cyrus Farhangi

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Cyrus Farhangi is a senior public policy consultant at CMI Stratégies, specialized in economic impact assessments and social return on investment. He is also a lecturer at EMLyon Business School and Grande Ecole, and an acclaimed blogger on adaptation to planetary boundaries.

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Cyrus Farhangi

Wars, geo-engineering, and quotas: three technical solutions for solving the ecological crisis

The wild overshoot of planetary boundaries is both a technical and political issue. But political solutions are worth nothing without technical solutions. This article examines 3 solutions from a purely technical perspective, which would nevertheless induce deep political implications.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Will there be enough resources to limit climate warming to +2C?
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Cyrus Farhangi

Will there be enough resources to limit climate warming to +2C?

Environmental Sustainability

This article argues that resource and logistical constraints weighing on low-carbon energy and CO2 capture technologies are likely to pave the way for geo-engineering solutions such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), which demand negligible land, material, and energy inputs. This “climate transition without carbon transition”, though technically feasible, is far from being that simple, raising a whole new set of environmental risks as well as geopolitical, institutional, and ethical issues.

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Cyrus Farhangi

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Environmental Sustainability · Climate Change

Will there be enough resources to limit climate warming to +2C?

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