Cle-Anne Gabriel



Cle-Anne Gabriel

#43 most read in


Dr Cle-Anne Gabriel is Global Co-Lead of Just Transition at KPMG and was previously National Leader of Decarbonization at KPMG Australia. She is also an Industry Fellow at The University of Queensland and co-founder of Australian-first Carbon Literacy training. She provides advice and leadership on global solutions for a just and low-carbon transition.

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Webinar: Financing Decarbonisation At Scale

Join us on a journey into the realm of decarbonization today at 14:00 CET

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
How the Global South Can Lead the Way to a Post-Growth Future
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Cle-Anne Gabriel

How the Global South Can Lead the Way to a Post-Growth Future

Environmental Sustainability

Evidence suggests small to medium-size enterprises in the Global South are prioritizing social and environmental impact over economic growth.

Recent publications

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Cle-Anne Gabriel

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Environmental Sustainability · Degrowth

How the Global South Can Lead the Way to a Post-Growth Future

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