Chuck Kutscher



Chuck Kutscher

#71 most read in

 Sustainable Living

Dr. Charles (Chuck) Kutscher is a Fellow of the University of Colorado Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI). Dr. Kutscher spent 4 decades as a renewable energy researcher and manager at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and was the Director of the Buildings and Thermal Sciences Center when he retired from NREL in July 2018. He is a Fellow of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES) and served as the Society’s chair in 2000 and 2001. He chaired two major energy conferences: the 2006 National Solar Energy Conference and the 2012 World Renewable Energy Forum. He also served as U.S. Representative for the International Energy Agency (IEA) Solar Heating and Cooling Program Task 14, "Advanced Active Solar Energy Systems." 

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Chuck Kutscher

Buildings consume lots of energy – here’s how to design whole communities that give back as much as they take

Whether we’re talking about new or existing buildings, sustainable zero-energy communities are the wave of the future as we tackle the climate crisis

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
What a rapid transition from fossil fuels to carbon-free energy alternatives looks like
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Chuck Kutscher

What a rapid transition from fossil fuels to carbon-free energy alternatives looks like

Energy Transition

The most important thing we must do to halt climate change is rapidly transition from fossil fuels to carbon-free energy alternatives

Recent publications

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Chuck Kutscher

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Energy Transition · Energy

What a rapid transition from fossil fuels to carbon-free energy alternatives looks like

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