Chandran Nair



Chandran Nair

#481 most read in

 Climate Change

Chandran Nair is the Founder and CEO of the Global Institute For Tomorrow (GIFT). He is the author of many books and the creator of The Other Hundred, a non-profit global photo journalism initiative. He is a member of WEF’s Global Agenda Council and sits on the Executive Committee of the Club of Rome.

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Chandran Nair

Net Zero and Carbon Neutrality: Unscientific Myths for an US and THEM World

“​It is unequivocal”, these are the first three words of the sixth IPCC report. The policy experts and scientist have never been clearer in describing the existential threat facing humanity. In fact, the World Meteorological Organisation recently reported that the number of climate change induced disasters has increased 500% in last 50 years, resulting in US$3.64 trillion worth of damage and the loss of 2 million lives. The unprecedented Australian and Californian bushfires, severe flooding in the US, China and extreme Indian temperatures confirms that.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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