Brian Andrew Statham



Brian Andrew Statham

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Brian Andrew Statham is the Honorary Officer of the World Energy Council - South Africa. Since 1999, he has been actively involved in the work of the South African National Energy Association [SANEA] and the WEC. He served as Secretary-General of SANEA from 2000 to 2006 and as Executive Chairman from March 2007 until March 2019 and was awarded Honorary Life Membership in 2019.

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Gabriella de Maio

Policy Direction for Sustainable Communities and Combating Energy Poverty

The COVID-19 pandemic has added urgency to the goal of ending energy poverty. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that a rise in poverty levels worldwide may make basic electricity services unaffordable for more than 100 million people who already had electricity connections, presaging a return for many to more polluting and inefficient sources of energy.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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