Ana Calvo



Ana Calvo

#41 most read in

 Sustainable Living

Ana Calvo is a Communication Officer at The Swedish Centre for Innovation and Quality in the Built Environment. She supports project communication efforts for Driving Urban Transitions (DUT), a European Partnership financing research and innovation projects in sustainable mobility, energy and circular economy in cities. 

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Ana Calvo

Urban Doers: Local initiatives are driving transformations in cities

Many initiatives are based on community groups who invest their time in improving their neighbourhoods. How can the EU and other institutions support their work?

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Three key drivers to unlock sustainable deliveries in cities
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Ana Calvo

Three key drivers to unlock sustainable deliveries in cities

Sustainable Living

How might sustainable delivery look like if people moved less (far)?

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Ana Calvo

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Sustainable Living · Cities

Three key drivers to unlock sustainable deliveries in cities

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