Amelia Tiemann



Amelia Tiemann

#53 most read in

 Power & Utilities

Amelia Tiemann is an MS candidate at University of California Davis. She has worked in nuclear advocacy for several years, and is also a freelance writer. She contributes regularly to the 4th Generation Blog, curated by Terrestrial Energy.

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Amelia Tiemann

Nuclear Could Have the Same Revolution that Wind and Solar Had

In the past 10 years, global wind and solar power growth has outpaced mainstream energy models . In 2010, solar and wind combined made up only 1.7% of total global electricity generation. By 2020, this number climbed to an amazing 8.7%. Wind and solar actually achieved exponential growth, while most models projected linear growth. They had already exceeded 2030 predictions by 2018.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Four Reasons Nuclear Can Help Renewables Realize Their Full Potential
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Amelia Tiemann

Four Reasons Nuclear Can Help Renewables Realize Their Full Potential


Renewables supporters and nuclear supporters have been divided for decades on which source of clean energy is best. Supporters of renewable energy say that solar and wind are cheap, and that we’ll be able to build so much of it, we won’t need nuclear. Nuclear power advocates, on the other hand, are doubtful that wind and solar alone can meet our energy needs.

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Amelia Tiemann

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Energy · Environmental Sustainability

Four Reasons Nuclear Can Help Renewables Realize Their Full Potential

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