Alice Palmer



Alice Palmer

#57 most read in

 Diversity & Inclusion

Alice Palmer is currently a young paralegal at Blaser Mills Law. Previously she has been awarded with an LLM in Law and Legal Practice by BPP and a bachelor's in PPE by King's College London. She has also volunteered at multiple organizations and tutored for multiple years across her higher education and early career.

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Alice Palmer

The Politics of Bread and Circuses: A Trade-off Between Prosperity and Sustainability

The road to sustainability is paved with numerous obstacles, including uncertainty in scientific and technological predictions, the power of national sovereignty, the influence of large corporations, and the vast disparities in wealth that exist between countries. People, however, are also simply afraid of tackling global warming because the changes required to effectively do so pose a threat to the idea of capitalist prosperity.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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