Alejandro Nadal



Alejandro Nadal

#122 most read in

 Energy Transition

Alejandro Nadal is a software engineer at Synics AG, and he graduated from UTN. He has been awarded the Friends of Fulbright scholarship and Seeds for the Future Huawei. He has been a teacher and a startup founder.

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Alejandro Nadal

Mapping renewable power plants in Argentina — Dynamic SVG marker creation in folium

While going through some Kaggle exercises on data analysis, I found out about the folium library. It is quite an interesting tool, allowing you to add layers to existing open-source maps and display them on HTML. I decided to create a map to show some data from my country. I found this dataset that contains data about every renewable energy project that the country manages. Sadly this means that shared projects such as Yacyretá, managed by Argentina and Paraguay, are not present in the dataset.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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