Adhiti Gupta



Adhiti Gupta

#8 most read in

 Diversity & Inclusion

Adhiti Gupta is an independent consultant in impact investing & blended finance with a focus on climate, nature, & gender equality. Her clients include the UN, World Bank and Climate Policy Initiative. Adhiti has previously led a market accelerator at Convergence and advised impact investors at RPCK. Adhiti started her career advising on international trade, cross-border M&A, and PE/VC transactions in India. She holds a master’s degree from Columbia Law School and a law degree from the National Law School of India University.

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Harald Walkate

Blended finance. Naturally.

It is now clearly documented that, as we move towards the implementation of collective global biodiversity aspirations, and as we consider which tools should be on our table, the answer that presents itself is “blended finance, naturally”. So what are the four things you actually need to think about when considering blended finance transactions for nature?

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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