Adele Seymon



Adele Seymon

#3 most read in

 Industrial Metals

Adele Seymons is the Interim CEO of the Copper for Tomorrow CRC bid and CEO & Founder of Deep Green R&D Solutions. She has significant experience in developing consortiums that effectively deliver on critical industry challenges. If successfully funded, the Copper for Tomorrow CRC will deliver research, education, and knowledge dissemination to transform the industry into a leading supplier of green copper to minimise impact while adding value to the community.

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Michael Goodsite

The race for talent in the mining industry - the case of copper

Copper is an essential component of the electrical grid, as well as electric vehicles, wind turbines, and solar panels. In fact, copper is used in most renewable energy technologies, making it a critical resource for the transition to a low-carbon future. Meeting the growing demand for copper is not a simple task. It requires a range of talents and expertise to get to the copper without harming the environment more than the copper ultimately helps it, as a material utilized in renewable energy sources.

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