The AgroParisTech graduates



The AgroParisTech graduates

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Eight young graduated engineers made a call to action for their fellow AgroParisTech class 2022 in order to leave behind the awards and graduation ceremony on the 30th of April 2022 in Paris.

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The AgroParisTech graduates

A call out to change direction (the viral graduation speech at AgroParisTech)

illuminem is proud to be the first international media to publish the graduation speech delivered a few weeks ago by the students of ParisAgriTech (one of France's best Universities, ranked by QS as the 4th best agronomy school in the world). The speech, calling for desertion, has sparked a fierce debate in France and was commented on the pages of most francophone newspapers. The video of the speech also gained millions of online views. We reproduce here the text of the speech in its entirety.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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