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Simran Singh

#33 most read in

 Human Rights

Simran Singh works in the field of sustainable financing at BASE Foundation (formerly the Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy), a UNEP specialised partner. She specialises in integrating gender considerations and capacity-building into climate projects. Her prior research has centred on strategies for incorporating informal economy workers into the formal economy and addressing the gender aspects of informality.

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Simran Singh

From words to waves: communicating climate science and politics

A transformation is unfolding, driven by the dynamic creativity and unwavering commitment of young climate activists

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Silent majority no more (I/II): the role of youth in driving climate action
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Simran Singh

Silent majority no more (I/II): the role of youth in driving climate action

Environmental Law

Faced with an uncertain future and the growing impact of climate change in their daily lives, youth activists and groups are combining personal experiences and local viewpoints with climate science principles to drive climate action

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Simran Singh

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Environmental Law · Sustainability Law

Silent majority no more (I/II): the role of youth in driving climate action

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