Pierre-Louis Godin

Environmental Sustainability · illuminemX
Pierre-Louis Godin
I've wanted to write about water for a long time. My first prompt was seeing a woman outside of Whole Foods giving bottled Fiji water to her dog. You really can't make this up. Most recently, I spent the summer in France where many regions faced water restrictions due to droughts. It was saddening to see the Loire at such low levels, reflecting France's worst drought recorded since 1958.
Pierre-Louis Godin
Environmental Sustainability
2019 was a simpler time, blissfully unaware of the subsequent pandemic and lockdowns. Heck, the year started with an egg setting a world record. On the 4th of January, an egg was posted on Instagram. Today, this picture has more than 56 million likes, beating the 18 million like record previously set by Kylie Jenner.
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Pierre-Louis Godin
Environmental Sustainability · illuminemX
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