Paul Teng



Paul Teng

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Professor Paul Teng is Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies at Nanyang Technological University Singapore and Managing Director of National Institute of Education (NIE) International Pte. Ltd.. He is also Senior Fellow at the Southeast Asian Center for Research and Graduate Studies in Agriculture (SEARCA) based in Los Banos, Philippines. Professor Paul Teng is internationally recognized for his expertise in tropical agrifood systems, sustainable rural transformation and food security, with a focus on smallholder cropping systems like rice-based ecosystems.

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Paul Teng

Growing Food Insecurity – Asia’s Huge Appetite for Fish: Can It Be Met?

The global demand for fish continues to skyrocket, led by Asian consumers, notably in China. There is now a global crisis in fisheries caused by over-fishing and climate change. Aquaculture (fish farming) is expected to plug this gap and is projected to be the primary source by 2030.

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