Nidhi Chadda



Nidhi Chadda

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Nidhi Chadda is currently the Founder and CEO of Enzo Advisors, a global sustainability consulting firm focused on helping companies build best-in-class sustainable business models. Prior to launching Enzo Advisors, Nidhi was a portfolio manager at RBC Global Asset Management. She has 20+ years of experience as an investment banker, strategic consultant and investor. She is also a member of the Forbes Business Council.

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Nidhi Chadda

Responsible Investing and Hedge Funds: The Intersection of Sustainability and Alpha

At first glance, it may seem inconsistent to think of hedge funds as socially responsible investors, given the reputation that hedge funds have had for being the more aggressive, sophisticated investors. However, ESG investing is not only for the long-only friendly investor. There often is a misconception around what truly defines an ESG – integrated strategy and it is oftentimes mislabeled as being an impact strategy, where returns are sacrificed for impact.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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