Nicolas Schneider



Nicolas Schneider

#53 most read in

 Oil & Gas

Nicolas Schneider is a PhD candidate in the Earth & Environment Department of the Boston University. He was a research assistant and co-author on several energy-related research projects with various laboratories in Europe, and published in several Scientific journals. His research covers resource economics & policy, macro-econometrics & data analysis and climate modelling and impact assessments.

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Nicolas Schneider

From Nuclear Phase-out to Renewable Energy in Germany: Can Natural Gas Operate as a Bridging Fuel?

This article develops a factual analysis of the renewable energy transition in Germany. Starting from the German decision to phase-out from nuclear power, an economic discussion is conducted on the specificities of this energy shift and its associated economic and environmental constraints. In this dynamic, natural gas is thought to play a crucial role. Less carbon intensive than other fossil resources, gas-fired plants require a relatively lower capital cost than renewable energy sources, dealing for their part with important technological and time constraints.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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