Maurizio Catulli



Maurizio Catulli

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Dr. Maurizio Catulli is Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Innovations. His research interests include sustainable Mobility as a Service and Product Service Systems.

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Maurizio Catulli

The circular economy is not for the faint hearted

A circular economy requires investment in networking and disruptive digital technology

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
Sustainable energy and transport: the Frankenstein Monster Syndrome
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Maurizio Catulli

Sustainable energy and transport: the Frankenstein Monster Syndrome

Environmental Sustainability

Alternatives to the currently unsustainable energy production and transport systems do exist and are promising. Unfortunately, these offerings struggle when their proponents try to implement them in the real world.

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Maurizio Catulli

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Environmental Sustainability · Energy

Sustainable energy and transport: the Frankenstein Monster Syndrome

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