Markus Fraundorfer



Markus Fraundorfer

#48 most read in

 Human Rights

Dr Markus Fraundorfer is a Lecturer in Global Governance at the Universtiy of Leeds. He studies the underlying patterns of global cooperation dynamics and how these patterns can contribute to more democratic and sustainable approaches to a range of global challenges in the Anthropocene, including infectious diseases, environmental degradation and CO2 emissions.

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Markus Fraundorfer

Learning from indigenous communities–the guardians of biodiversity

Indigenous peoples have an intrinsic relationship with nature; a relationship that many representatives of the modern world lost a long time ago. The COP Climate Change Conference is dominated by policymakers that regard nature as a thing to be managed and controlled, a commodity to be used and exploited. This vision of nature as a thing is the root of the global climate crisis.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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