Maria F. Burgos

Environmental Sustainability · Diversity & Inclusion
Maria F. Burgos
Applying that knowledge is what allows us to move forward. Now that we've learned the consequences of our consumer behavior in fashion, it is time to act.
Maria F. Burgos
Environmental Sustainability
In a world where we have so much information, where so many people choose what to believe in and curate the content they consume based on those beliefs, where basically a niche group from a niche group is born every day, we might be disconnecting from each other, missing a crucial point: all of us, as human beings, have more things in common than differences. We all want to belong, be loved, be safe and we all have dreams that one way or another would make our lives better, or at least we hope they would.
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Maria F. Burgos
Environmental Sustainability · Diversity & Inclusion
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