Manish Pandey



Manish Pandey

#810 most read in

 Environmental Sustainability

Dr. Manish Pandey is a professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Winnipeg with an extensive portfolio of research on productivity and comparative performance in labor economics, public economics, macroeconomics and immigration.

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Sylvie Albert

To build sustainable cities, involve those who live in them

Cities have an important role in making progress on sustainability and climate change issues. And for them to achieve this, urban residents need to be involved in achieving set goals. This means that cities need to provide opportunities and guidance to their residents to help them make progress. While national targets — like Canada’s goal to reduce its annual greenhouse gas emissions to 110 megatonnes in 2030 from 191 megatonnes in 2019 — are important, they do not mean much to a city resident or an organization.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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