Leila Toplic



Leila Toplic

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Leila Toplic is the Chief Communications and Trust Officer at Carbonfuture, the world's leading provider of high-integrity, durable carbon removal. With over two decades of experience at the intersection of technology, ethics, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Leila has held high-level positions at companies like Microsoft and NGOs such as NetHope (a consortium of 65 global NGOs). Recognized as one of the Top 100 Women in AI Ethics in 2021, Leila actively contributes to boards and initiatives that advance responsible innovation, equity and inclusion, and human rights. She also serves on the Board of Negative Emissions Platform.

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Leila Toplic

Why the voluntary carbon market is key to scaling carbon dioxide removal and delivering net-zero

A robust trust infrastructure and incentives are essential to strengthen the credibility of the VCM and help deliver net-zero

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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