Laurenz Ohlig



Laurenz Ohlig

#44 most read in


Laurenz Ohlig works as an Investment Analyst in the Climate Tech team at Global Founders Capital, who currently pursues his Master's degree at WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management.

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Jan Ossenbrink

Could Germany's nuclear power stations help kickstart the domestic clean hydrogen economy? A thought experiment

After Putins's attack on Ukraine citizens across Europe have come to realize how strongly their economies depend on natural gas from Russia, so strongly in fact that a moratorium on gas imports seems off the table as a viable sanction against the regime in Moscow. While this dilemma can hardly be resolved in the short term, governments and companies seem committed to pivot their strategies through A) reducing the amount of natural gas required across domains, e.g., by accelerating the transition towards electric heating via heat pumps, B) diversifying supplier relationships, and C) replacing natural gas and other fossil fuels by derivatives like hydrogen. This article focuses on option C).

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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