Gerard Reid
Environmental Sustainability · Energy
Gerard Reid
As it stands, Russia supplies some on average 1,600TWh of gas per year to Europe which represents 40% of Europe’s needs. There is probably about 300TWh in storage in Europe right now meaning we need to find 1,300TWh over the next 12 months. How can we do it?
Gerard Reid
Environmental Sustainability
Politics and energy have never been far apart. In fact, if you look at history, energy is often the reason why war have started (think the US led invasion of Iraq in 2003). Energy access has also been the reason why wars have been won and lost (WW2 for instance). What the Russian invasion of Ukraine is showing is how utterly dependent Europe is on Russia for not only natural gas, but also oil and coal. And what those tanks have done is to brake the trust between Germany and Russia. That is a real game changer for European geopolitics and energy. This begs the question what should Europe do? In a nutshell, we need to REWIRE EUROPE.
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Gerard Reid
Environmental Sustainability · Energy
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