Frederic Arnoux



Frederic Arnoux

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Frederic Arnoux is a co-founder of Stim, a spin-off of Mines ParisTech, which supports companies in terms of innovation strategy. He holds a Ph.D. in management science from the Ecole des Mines ParisTech and is the author of several books and scientific articles on disruptive innovation.

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Anh Nguyen

CEOs, do you have a vision?

Being a good business leader can mean a lot of different things. If we search for a definition of a “good business leader” on Google, there are more than 740 million search results. Among all the noises of latest studies and surveys, we believe there is only one quality that sets apart a great business leader and executive from the good ones: do they have a vision or not?

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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