Erin Burns



Erin Burns

#751 most read in

 Environmental Sustainability

Erin Burns is Executive Director of Carbon180 and she worked in the Senate, handling energy, environment, and labor, including staffing for the Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the Public Lands Subcommittee. She also worked at Third Way, a DC-based think tank and coal community transition.

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Erin Burns

The case for federal procurement of carbon removal

There is unprecedented action on carbon removal in the US today. The bipartisan infrastructure deal of 2021 included billions of dollars for direct air capture (DAC) and forestry. The Biden Administration has reoriented existing agency efforts around carbon removal, launching the Carbon Negative Earthshot and shifting how the Department of Energy approaches carbon management. Most recently,the FY22 omnibus brought the total federal investment in carbon removal this year to over a billion dollars across solutions.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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