Christina Ng



Christina Ng

#24 most read in

 Oil & Gas

Christina Ng is the Research and Stakeholder Engagement Leader on Debt Markets for the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis. She has 20 years of experience in financial reporting, covering financial instruments, transactions and industries, and is a former national standard-setter for Australia and Hong Kong and an independent consultant.

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Christina Ng

Indonesia’s green taxonomy walks a tightrope in balancing industries of the past and the future

Unlike other taxonomies, Indonesia’s green taxonomy applies the traffic light system to represent the types of activities from a sustainability lens: green for activities that “protect or improve the environment”, yellow for activities “not significantly harmful to the environment”, and red for activities “harmful to the environment”. The concept is interesting. Using road rules as interpretation, investments in Indonesia’s green activities could then be deemed as “proceed as is”, yellow as “prepare to stop”, and red as “stop immediately”.

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.

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