Antoinette Vermilye



Antoinette Vermilye

#38 most read in


Antoinette Vermilye is Co-founder of the Gallifrey Foundation and also She Changes Climate. She is passionate about the complex interrelationships between the ocean, plastics, gender, and overfishing on social injustice, human health and the environment. She seeks either coalitions to find action-oriented solutions that will have far reaching impacts downstream or to take action on identified gaps where little or no attention is being paid.

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Antoinette Vermilye

Sustainable Development Goal 14, "Life below Water": are we sinking or swimming?

Since the 17 goals were developed, SDG 14 has received less than 1% of all philanthropic funding

A wooden table with a typewriter, glasses, notebook, and pen placed on top.
False Promises in Plastic Pollution Solutions
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Antoinette Vermilye

False Promises in Plastic Pollution Solutions

Environmental Sustainability

Whilst it is impressive to see all these efforts to try to find solutions to this extremely difficult and persistent problem, viewing solutions through a narrow lens can end up creating more problems than solving them. If we open up that lens, we are often shifting the plastics' problem to another 'compartment' of our daily life.

Recent publications

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Antoinette Vermilye

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Environmental Sustainability · Pollution

False Promises in Plastic Pollution Solutions

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