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Turkmenistan's methane leaks surpass UK's total carbon emissions

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By illuminem

· 2 min read

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🗞️ Driving the news: Satellite data produced reveals that Turkmenistan’s two main fossil fuel fields alone produced more global heating in 2022 than the UK's total carbon emissions
Turkmenistan fossil fields leaked 4.4m tonnes of methane in 2022, equivalent to 366m tonnes of CO2

Methane super emitter events
Note: super-emitting events, are defined as leaks from single wells, tanks, or pipes at a rate of a few tonnes an hour or more

🌎 Why it matters for the planet: Methane is a greenhouse gas that traps 80 times more heat than CO2 over a 20-year period. It is responsible for almost half of the short-term climate warming
Experts stress the importance of addressing methane leaks from fossil fuel sites as the quickest and most cost-effective way to reduce methane emissions

🔭 The context: The upcoming COP28 UN climate summit hosted in the UAE is viewed as an opportunity to promote methane reduction efforts around the world 
• There is pressure on the UAE to demonstrate that major oil and gas producers can make significant contributions to the summit's outcomes

⏭️ What’s next: Turkmenistan’s president, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, failed to act on his previous pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and methane leaks
Watch for potential diplomatic efforts to encourage Turkmenistan and other countries to curb methane emissions in the lead-up to the COP28 summit 

💬 One quote: "Methane is responsible for almost half of the short-term climate warming and it was completely out of control" (Antoine Rostand, president of Kayrros)

⛏️ To dig deeper: Check out illuminem's Thought Piece on "Why reducing methane is better than CO2 to fight against climate change"

The full-length article was published in The Guardian.

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